Monthly SEO Service

Ongoing SEO packages designed
to deliver future-proof results.

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Our monthly website SEO services are designed and implemented to earn your website more traffic and subsequently more sales from organic traffic, in a safe and strategic way.

Google is known for penalising websites that do not meet accepted requirements, both in content quality and site technicalities. We check your website against these search engine requirements and take appropriate action to ensure you meet them, and continue to do so in future.

Our work complies to high specifications, and is aligned to Google-safe policies, ensuring ‘future-proof’ work and results that will offer a true ROI

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Overview & capacity

SEO costs for any project are dependant on the size of your website, the type of work required to fix any issues and how much time is needed to implemented effective changes. Every website is unique, and we tailor each campaign to provide cost-effectiveness and a true ROI. Broadly speaking, a campaign may take on the following routes:

SEO is performed for you (the business owner) and costs are reflective of the challenges we identify. Or we can work with a third-party (such as: an in-house team, web developer) in a consultancy capacity to advise them, ensure all technical guidelines are being met, and monitor all changes as and when they occur.

We also offer specific, on demand SEO services, and broader SEO campaign management and deployment.

Any budget

At Salted Panda we aim to accommodate all budgets. If you are only looking to optimise a few elements then these can be provided at cost, without the need for monthly contracts. We base all our ongoing campaigns on the application of ‘best methods’ to capitalise on natural listings, and maximise your ROI.

Our professional search engine optimisation services are implemented to get the very best from your site. This is always achieved through strict compliance with Google’s requirements, and due care and attention is always given to quality and best practices. If you are not looking for ongoing contracts, Salted Panda also offers fixed price SEO packages that are available for instant order.

Simply put: We aim to please, deliver noticeable results, and provide ongoing support to all clients. We offer no-obligation quotes, so please feel free to reach out to us anytime. 


Initial feedback

We Give You Honest Feedback On Your Business Model. We are not the type of SEO company to just take your money and then not advise you on the return-on-investment of your current business model. We will tell you if your current business model is outdated, and advise you if you should rethink your business strategy.

A real business can always get the full benefits from a legitimate search engine optimisation campaign, but SEO is not a viable strategy for the long term for those businesses who ignore Google guidelines. Some affiliate websites, for instance, will need to perform very well in certain areas if they hope to gain traction in the long term. We advise you on these areas and aim to do so to save your investment in time, resources and budget.

We analyse.

We perform a detailed SEO audit possible (SEO audit services are also offered ad-hoc) on your site to ascertain any issues that need attention. We analyse you website to see if you are failing to comply with Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. Digging deeper, we also review your site looking specifically to see if the website fails to comply with Google Quality Rater Guidelines.

The very first step to higher rankings is to meet Google’s recommendations. If your site fails to meet quality guidelines, it is higher likely that your site will suffer penalisation. Google updates are frequent so it is best to be ahead of the curve at all times.

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We fix.

Usability and Speed

We always start with a review of your current website speed and usability scores. We take benchmark recordings of your website speed now and after we improve it so we can report back to you on your improved ratings in this area.

From here we can either:

perform this SEO service for you and we base our costs on the challenges we can quickly identify, or

we can lay down a strategy and plan for your website, based on a page-by-page, and section-by-section review of your website.

Google ranks pages that satisfy users at the top of search engine results pages. Improving the speed and usability of your responsive website is one of the best ways to improve the user experience of visitors to your website.

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Technical Audit

Resolve technical errors

It’s crucial to the success of your website that any ongoing or noted technical errors are fixed before any further work is carried out. As part of our monthly SEO service we monitor and correct any technical errors, such as: dropped links, redirects and database issues. After an initial audit has been completed we can work methodically in correcting these issues – as well as structure and implement changes to negate against any further problems arising.

Our monthly SEO packages are always derived with Google’s quality guidelines in mind. We use Google Search Console, along with monitoring software, to identify and correct any misalignments with preferred practices.

  • Fixing sub-optimal pagination setup
  • Resolving poor indexation management
  • Improper canonicalisation practices
  • Improper or suboptimal redirects
  • Google access to your site
  • Fix broken links on your site
  • Removing user-unfriendly elements
  • Identifying and remove doorway pages
  • Apply best practice approaches

Ranking penalty assessment

If you are a real business, we can fix any manual action or ranking penalty that is impacting your site. These are often caused by technical problems, inexperienced online strategy or using old-style SEO tactics that Google now frowns upon in 2018 (tactics that can be cleaned up).

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We research.

Competitor Research

We review your competitors to see why they rank where they do. Once we have this information we can use it your advantage. We can formulate a content and user-focused strategy based on your project goals and the most pragmatic opportunity available to you.

Keyword Research

We review your competitors to see what keywords they rank for and what positions they currently hold over your own site. Once we have this information we can use it your advantage. We can formulate a keyword-based strategy based on your project goals and the most pragmatic opportunity available to you.

We update.

Title | Meta Tags | Usability Optimisation

We always start with a review of your current website title elements and metadata. We can then, either:

perform this SEO service for you and we base our costs on the size of your website and the number of pages you require Title Tags and Meta Descriptions optimised, or we can lay down a strategy and plan for your website, page-by-page, and section-by-section of your website. In both cases, we aim to clean up unnecessary old-SEO techniques present and optimise the page titles and meta description to meet Google’s quality guidelines. Optimising your page titles and meta description for instance, to both rank high in Google and attract clicks is an art form. Our page title and meta optimisation services are specifically designed to recreate your page titles and meta descriptions to attract more clicks in Google SERPs. We have nearly 20 years experience optimising elements and metadata.


Why choose ongoing SEO?

Website SEO is reliant on hundreds of factors, that shift according to complex algorithms, this means your website needs to keep pace in order to keep ranking.

With our ongoing SEO services, each month we undertake different promotional activities. Our process is proprietary, but to keep it short, we make sure your on-site factors are optimised and updated.

Our off-site work is extensive too, and we vary our processes from month to month ensuring our clients benefit from the latest techniques and trends to keep their website updated according to the latest algorithm changes.

How long do results take?

This is on a case by case basis, but to give an idea, it usually takes between 4 – 6 weeks for results to be seen as a result of our initial Search Engine Optimisation actions.

Beyond this, within 6 – 8 weeks we usually see a steady increase in the results. This happens as a result of the actions taking time to be picked up by search engines by indexing.

Ongoing SEO is ideal for gradual and regular positive changes to your website and its ranking, as search engines take note over a long timeframe of the improvements to your website.

Is it safe?

As with all the Salted Panda products, our ongoing SEO services are 100% safe (incl. Google safe).

Our support team rigorously tests our processes and techniques before applying to client projects.

Why do you make recommendations?

One of the reasons why rankings can slip after hiring an SEO company is that some marketing teams fail to implement the recommended changes.

This can happen when client teams have time restraints or some clients may believe the changes are not really necessary thus undermining the efforts of consultants.

We do our best to keep our clients updated and ahead of the curve, but even if the best optimisation recommendations aren’t implemented properly, then the end result is compromised.

Why are my results going up and down?

As our SEO services are applied, search engines such as Google, are busy indexing your website and content. This can cause the search position to bounce around for a time on the search results page.

Search engines like Google are also running their own tests which has an impact. For example, when Google are testing the site in different positions to see where the users “vote” it to be the most important.

(ie: If your site is displayed in the second position of search results, yet receives more clicks (votes) than the site that was previously in that position during that period (day, hour, month, etc), then your website is likely to occupy that ranking and displace the other website that didn’t perform as well)

Why is by website #1 at work, but #4 at home?

This is what we call personalised search.

It is related to the history associated with your computer when used at different locations.

Search engines do this to ensure you are presented with what interests you at that time or location most. For example, at work you are more likely to search for terms more closely related to your industry that at home. Google takes this behaviour into account not just for you, but your customers too and anyone else searching for sites in your niche.